Telegram is a cloud-based social media platform that is used to send messages, share media files, and make private & group voice or video calls along with public live streams at end-to-end encryption protocol.
Telegram is a fast messaging service that connects the user to the distributed network of data centers worldwide.
You can share unlimited media and files of any type or size without occupying device storage.
It allows you to access the message simultaneously on multiple devices without any data loss.
Telegram has encrypted the messages with top-security such as 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption, and a Diffie-Hellman secure key exchange.
You can create groups with up to 200000 members and allow the members to share the files up to 2 GB each.
This application has an Instant preview option which lets the user read almost anything from the internet within the app.
It allows you to send scheduled text messages to a certain person on the preferred date or time.
With this application, you can customize the appearance of the interface, message bubbles, icons, and much more.
By using the Telegram bots, you can perform various tasks and make your work easier.
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